Thursday Apr 25, 2024

Episode - 7 : Book review On ”PEOPLE WE MEET ON VACATION”

People We Meet on Vacation" by Emily Henry is a heartwarming and charming romantic comedy that follows the story of Poppy and Alex, two best friends with a long history of unforgettable summer vacations. Poppy, a spontaneous and adventurous travel writer, and Alex, a pragmatic and reserved academic, have been inseparable during their annual trips around the world. However, after a falling-out two years ago, their friendship has been strained, and they haven't spoken since.

Determined to mend their relationship, Poppy convinces Alex to embark on one final vacation together—a nostalgic road trip through the picturesque landscapes of the United States. As they revisit old memories and embark on new adventures, Poppy and Alex confront the unresolved feelings lingering between them. Through witty banter, heartfelt conversations, and unexpected detours, they rediscover the deep connection that has always existed between them.

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